Quality and Environmental Policies

Quality Policy

Here at Kyodo KY-Tec, we strive to be manufacturing professionals that learn from the past, consider the future, and enrich the present.

Bus Duct Division  Quality Code of Conduct

  1. Put customer satisfaction first. Always endeavor to provide products and services that not only meet the required specifications, but also exceed customers' expectations.
  2. Always be sensitive to changes in technological development and the needs of society. Continuously review your actions and their outcomes to allow KY-Tec to continue providing products that contribute to society and its people.
  3. As the leading company in the busbar trunking system industry, maintain social responsibility and strictly abide by the law.

Environmental Policy

Kyodo KY-Tec creates, develops, manufactures, sells, and installs busbar trunking systems, access flooring systems, and green roofing systems that uphold our motto of "Technology for People & Society". Through our actions, we strive to create a recycling-oriented society that promotes sustainable development.

Bus Duct Division  Environmental Code of Conduct

  1. Establish environmental management systems; consider environmental impacts of business activities when deciding targets and plans of action.
    Implement, review, and continuously improve targets and plans.
  2. Work to prevent environmental pollution by conserving energy and performing the three Rs (Reduce/Reuse/Recycle) throughout all business activities.
  3. Abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and requirements related to the environment, including regional agreements and industrial guidelines.
  4. Maintain regional communications to establish mutual understanding; provide information as needed.
  5. Educate and enlighten employees to foster an environmentally-conscious corporate culture.
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