Bus Ducts Explained

Bus Duct (Power Distribution System)

The bus duct is a large-scale power distribution system with copper or aluminum conductors wrapped or supported by insulation and encased in iron or aluminum.
Our bus ducts are manufactured on a full production line under strict quality management guidelines.

Bus Ducts Explained

The Six Benefits of Using Bus Ducts

1. Superior durability
Bus ducts are not only fire resistant, but they are also highly resistant to earthquakes. The bus duct's superior earthquake resistance was proven in the midst of The Great East Japan Earthquake and The Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
2. Virtually no electromagnetic wave emissions
Compared to cables, bus ducts only emit extremely small amounts of electromagnetic waves (Reference: 1/60 - 1/200 cables from 1m), making it safe for people, computers, and even medical equipment.
3. Works with offset loads
The bus duct system has a concentrated trunking design. Even if load varies by location or by floor, it can be balanced between areas of load surplus and load deficiency.
4. Branching can be done freely
By using the capabilities of the plug-in holes featured on standard jointing, load can easily be increased and redistributed. It can even be adjusted while equipment is live.
5. Bus ducts are recyclable
Bus ducts that are no longer in use can be taken apart, and the sheet steel, conductors (aluminum or copper), and insulation (PETP) can be recycled. This means that bus ducts are a recyclable form of trunking, making them gentle on the environment.
6. Installation is flexible and labor-saving
Bus ducts can be used in prefabricated installations, and bus duct installation can be performed to match construction progress. Bus ducts can be installed using a consistent but minimal amount of workers.
Bus Duct Inquiries

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